How are you coping these days?Counseling Altadena
Is your spouse listening to you? Are you two arguing more than usual? Are your kids being disrespectful and accusatory? Is your work environment filled with gossip, conflict, and demands?
You may be trying harder, attempting to please and gain others’ approval but is this strategy working for you? Despite all your efforts, is it leaving you feeling depressed, defeated, alone, and scared. Maybe you have someone in your life that drinks or has an addiction. You try to get them to stop by helping them, but the arguing, yelling, anger and opposition to help them leaves you feeling discouraged and alone even though you thought you could change them. As a result of these conflicts, you may be lacking in confidence to solve problems and you are having difficulty sleeping or finding the energy you need.
To all that I have described, my heart goes out to you with empathy and understanding because I know, you never thought at this stage in your life, you would be having all these problems. Perhaps you are asking these questions: Where is the abundant and successful life that I thought I would be experiencing at this time in my life? What is wrong with me? How come I am not happy?’ I can solve problems at work, but how come I cannot solve my own relationship problems? Am I really that bad of a person?
When you don’t feel the love and closeness you were attempting to get, or feel accepted for who you are, your feelings and conclusions are only common. Anyone would understand how you may be reacting to the defeated relationships in your life. But there is hope. Life can be better. I don’t know what family rules you were taught about how to solve relationship conflicts with others, but maybe you are ready now to learn a new system. Have you ever thought of boundaries and how using this relationship tool, can lead to taking better care of yourself and not feeling controlled by others?
Hi. My name is Phillip Kiehl.
For the last 20 years I have dedicated my time and effort to helping people just like you. I want to hear your story, provide the empathy you need, and work with you to see if we can make it better.
Please don’t wait one more day.
Give me a call at 626.791.1488 or schedule an appointment online.
This Week’s Blog Post
The Holiday Season: Marriage Tips (Part 7 of 7)
Greetings. I will use the word holiday by writing about each letter to give your marriage some tips about how to experience this season. I hope you find these tips helpful. The last letter in the word holiday is Y. The holiday season usually ends with the recognition of Happy New Year and the start of a brand new year. …